We design & build air sparger to provide optimal OTR capacity and while having minimal pressure drop

Sterile Feed / Storage/Hold
Pressure rated vessels available at various sizes from 50L to 300,000L with options for
- Mixing (or No Mixing),
- SS 316 or 304 SS
- Electro polished or Matte finish per Customer Requirement
- Ideal for Pharma / Biotech or food industry for sterile storage or to prep sterile feed.

Inoculum Transfer Vessels / Canisters
Canisters ranging from 2 L to 20 Liters per process requirement
- SS 316 or 304 SS
- Electro polished or Matte finish per Customer Requirement
These vessels are designed to transfer inoculum from shake flasks to seed Fermentor or transferring sterile micronutrients to seed or production Fermentors.

Mixing Tanks And Harvest Tanks
Various sizes from 50L to 300,000L with options for
- Mixing (or No Mixing),
- SS 316 or 304 SS
- Electro polished or Matte finish per Customer Requirement
- Available in a variety of configurations for bottom shapes and agitator mounts for efficiency of mixing and heat transfer
- Tailored versatility with nozzles at the top plate for the addition/ evacuation/solids addition (hoppers with butterfly valves) as per Customer Requirement
- Heat transfer with either limpet coil, jacket, internal coils or combinations as per customer requirement with required insulation
- Depending upon the size, can be skid mounted with Lockable coasters or fixed installation for production scale transfer and mixing tanks
- Can be made into vacuum/pressure rated vessel per process requirement
- Ideal for Pharma / Biotech or food industry for preparing media, formulating the final products or for storing broth or product storage.